Tuesday, August 15, 2006

the trip back

I am so much wanting to get home. It feels like I've been away for a long time and I'm sensitive to the burden I've put on Joan, more so than earlier. I know the thing to do is not feel guilty about being away, but instead feel grateful and excited about the experience she allowed me to have.

LEaving Nairobi, Esther's sister was very kind in that she picked me up, took me to the westlands roundabout so I could give Celine a phone for Wambo, and then carried Celine, her husband, and her sister to the airport so they could say goodbye. We talked little on the way over, since I was both a little drowsy and a little anxious about the journey ahead of me. Still it felt good to have so many nice people around me.

I had a long layover in Addis and the airline gave me a room at the De Leopol Hotel-- whose staff provide the best customer service in the world. I had no money and wanted to know if I could walk to an ATM. The simple answer would be no, we're very sorry, but why not enjoy a movie in the lounge? Their solutin was to call the big hotels to find one with an ATM and then call a taxi and lend me the fare. Frewoyni and Asal, amesegenello!

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