Saturday, March 14, 2009

Today, we came to New Amsterdam and although most of the drive was very close to the ocean, the sea wall blocked any view of the ocean. New Amsterdam itself is a nice little down, and so far everywhere we’ve gone—4 or 5 places has been within walking distance of each other on the same main street that runs through the town. We had our first interview with an HIV+ woman today and she was really amazing. She told us about a dream she had where God showed her a garden and everyone in it had HIV—and it was her job to take care of them. She didn’t think she could do it, but she talked to her pastor and he said it was her calling. Later in the afternoon, we talked to a guy whose official job has nothing to do with HIV, but who seems to make a hobby out of talking to church groups and others. Like in Kenya, my feeling from being here is not that there needs to be more talk about condoms, but that monogamous marriage is not being celebrated. I won’t dismiss the argument that an over-emphasis on abstinence can compromise people’s ability to "prepare adequately for unexpected sexual encounters" (i.e. carry condoms). But the opposite is also true—promoting the idea that most people are promiscuous and thus need to carry condoms—makes abstinence or monogamy seem less realistic and undermines people's commitment.

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