Wednesday, March 11, 2009

to Linden

We celebrated Pagwah some more, this time by driving around until we found some people playing with water and playing with colors. A few of us got out of the taxis so that we could first be dowsed with water and then smeared with red and blue powder. They gave me some red powder so that I could also color some people.

I wore my colored shorts on the way to Linden and they made a nice conversation piece when we stopped to help someone with a flat tire. Some Amerindians had also come out to look at the tire and although they hadn’t played with colors themselves they could see that I had. We didn’t understand each other very well, but they tried and they were very friendly.

We arrived in Linden at about dusk, and there was still a mood of holiday excitement. After dinner, we sat outside the pastry shop and I noticed a boy copying my gestures while I talked at the phone. His name was Devon and he told me he was 14, and a couple of my friends that he was 12, 13. His favorite subject is maths and he is saving money to buy a bike. I was very tempted to give him the last 3,000 ($15) that he needs.

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